Marah Soal Tragedi Atap Stasiun Runtuh, Warga Serbia Rusak Balai Kota

3 months ago 49

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Para pengunjuk rasa melemparkan suar dan cat merah ke gedung Balai Kota di kota Novi Sad, Serbia, Selasa (5/11/2024).  

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Aksi ini sebagai bentuk kemarahan atas runtuhnya kanopi beton di stasiun kereta api minggu lalu yang menewaskan 14 orang.  

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Polisi menanggapi dengan menembakkan tabung gas air mata.  

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Para pengunjuk rasa mengepung gedung di pusat kota, memecahkan jendela, dan melemparkan batu serta benda-benda lain meskipun ada seruan dari penyelenggara agar tetap tenang. Pasukan polisi khusus dikerahkan di dalam gedung.  

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Penyelenggara protes mengatakan mereka ingin memasuki gedung Balai Kota dan menyampaikan tuntutan mereka, termasuk agar mereka yang bertanggung jawab atas runtuhnya atap gedung diadili.  

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Bojan Pajtic, seorang politikus oposisi, mengatakan ia yakin kekerasan itu dipicu oleh provokator, sebuah taktik yang sebelumnya digunakan di Serbia untuk menggagalkan protes antipemerintah yang damai dan menggambarkan pengunjuk rasa oposisi sebagai musuh negara.  

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Sebelumnya, ribuan demonstran berbaris di jalan-jalan kota menuntut agar pejabat tinggi mengundurkan diri karena runtuhnya atap luar yang fatal Jumat lalu, termasuk Presiden Vucic dan Perdana Menteri Milos Vucevic.  

A protester points at riot police as they cover inside the City Hall building during a protest in rage over last week's collapse of a concrete canopy at the railway station that killed 14 people, in Novi Sad, Serbia, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. (AP Photo/Marko Drobnjakovic)

Para pengunjuk rasa pertama kali berkumpul di luar stasiun kereta api tempat mereka mengheningkan cipta untuk para korban saat penyelenggara membacakan nama-nama mereka. Massa menanggapi dengan meneriakkan: "tangkap geng" dan "pencuri." Protes tersebut dimulai dengan damai, tetapi beberapa demonstran kemudian melemparkan botol plastik dan batu bata ke markas besar Partai Progresif Serbia yang berkuasa, yang dipimpin Vucic, dan mengolesi cat merah pada poster presiden dan perdana menteri Serbia — sebuah pesan bahwa tangan mereka berlumuran darah.  

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