Ribuan Mahasiswa Serbia Blokir Jalan Protes Pemerintah Korupsi

1 month ago 35

A drone shot shows Belgrade University students participating in a 24-hour blockade of a major junction during a protest against what demonstrators claim are government policies, corruption, and negligence blamed for the deaths in the November 2024 Novi Sad railway station disaster, in Belgrade, Serbia, January 27, 2025. REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Sebuah bidikan drone menunjukkan mahasiswa Universitas Belgrade berpartisipasi dalam blokade selama 24 jam di persimpangan utama kota Belgrade, Serbia, Rabu (29/1/2025). (REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic)

A drone shot shows Belgrade University students participating in a 24-hour blockade of a major junction during a protest against what demonstrators claim are government policies, corruption, and negligence blamed for the deaths in the November 2024 Novi Sad railway station disaster, in Belgrade, Serbia, January 27, 2025. REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Mereka memblokir jalan raya utama dalam unjuk rasa terhadap kebijakan Presiden Aleksandar Vucic dan Partai Progresif Serbia yang berkuasa. (REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic)

A drone shot shows Belgrade University students participating in a 24-hour blockade of a major junction during a protest against what demonstrators claim are government policies, corruption, and negligence blamed for the deaths in the November 2024 Novi Sad railway station disaster, in Belgrade, Serbia, January 27, 2025. REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Massa protes atas bencana kereta api pada bulan November yang menewaskan belasan orang. Atap beton stasiun Novi Sad yang baru saja direnovasi runtuh pada tanggal 1 November, menewaskan 15 orang dan melukai tiga orang. (REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic)

Motorcyclists support Serbian students protesting in front of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) headquarters following the overnight beating of their colleagues by what they say were SNS activists, in Novi Sad, Serbia, January 28, 2025. REUTERS/Mitar Mitrovic NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

Partai oposisi dan kelompok masyarakat menyalahkan kecelakaan di Novi Sad pada apa yang mereka sebut sebagai konstruksi yang buruk akibat korupsi dan nepotisme. (REUTERS/Mitar Mitrovic)

Motorcyclists support Serbian students protesting in front of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) headquarters following the overnight beating of their colleagues by what they say were SNS activists, in Novi Sad, Serbia, January 28, 2025. REUTERS/Mitar Mitrovic NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

Koalisi yang berkuasa telah membantah tuduhan tersebut, dengan Vucic mengatakan mereka yang bertanggung jawab harus dimintai pertanggungjawaban. (REUTERS/Mitar Mitrovic)

Motorcyclists support Serbian students protesting in front of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) headquarters following the overnight beating of their colleagues by what they say were SNS activists, in Novi Sad, Serbia, January 28, 2025. REUTERS/Mitar Mitrovic NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES

Mahasiswa di universitas-universitas seluruh Serbia telah melakukan unjuk rasa sejak keruntuhan tersebut, menuntut penerbitan dokumen yang relevan dengan renovasi stasiun dan penuntutan mereka yang bertanggung jawab atas bencana tersebut. (REUTERS/Mitar Mitrovic)

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