Terungkap Penyitaan Kokain Terbesar dalam Sejarah Kanada

1 month ago 44

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, center, speaks to media behind a wall of seized drugs during a press conference announcing the seizure of 835 kg., about 1,840 lbs. of cocaine, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Toronto. (Cole Burston/The Canadian Press via AP)

Kepala Polisi Toronto Myron Demkiw, tengah, berbicara kepada media terkait penyitaan kokain di Toronto, Kanada, Selasa (21/1/2025).

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, center, speaks to media behind a wall of seized drugs during a press conference announcing the seizure of 835 kg., about 1,840 lbs. of cocaine, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Toronto. (Cole Burston/The Canadian Press via AP)

Investigasi selama lima bulan telah menghasilkan penyitaan kokain terbesar dalam sejarah Kepolisian Toronto.

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, center, speaks to media behind a wall of seized drugs during a press conference announcing the seizure of 835 kg., about 1,840 lbs. of cocaine, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Toronto. (Cole Burston/The Canadian Press via AP)

Lebih dari 835 kilogram kokain dengan perkiraan nilai jual di jalan sekitar $83 juta disita selama Proyek Castillo yang dimulai pada Agustus 2024.

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, center, speaks to media behind a wall of seized drugs during a press conference announcing the seizure of 835 kg., about 1,840 lbs. of cocaine, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Toronto. (Cole Burston/The Canadian Press via AP)

Pada konferensi pers di markas polisi pada 21 Januari, Kepala Polisi Myron Demkiw mengatakan obat-obatan yang disita diduga terkait dengan Kartel Generasi Baru Jalisco—organisasi sindikat kejahatan Meksiko, salah satu dari bandar narkoba paling dicari didunia.

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, center, speaks to media behind a wall of seized drugs during a press conference announcing the seizure of 835 kg., about 1,840 lbs. of cocaine, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Toronto. (Cole Burston/The Canadian Press via AP)

Dengan bantuan dari Badan Layanan Perbatasan Kanada (CBSA) dan Unit Integritas Perbatasan Windsor Kepolisian Berkuda Kanada (RCMP), sebuah truk gandeng berhasil dicegat di perbatasan Kanada-AS pada tanggal 15 Oktober.

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, center, speaks to media behind a wall of seized drugs during a press conference announcing the seizure of 835 kg., about 1,840 lbs. of cocaine, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Toronto. (Cole Burston/The Canadian Press via AP)

Petugas menemukan 475 kilogram kokain yang disembunyikan di dalam kendaraan tersebut. Obat-obatan yang tersisa disita setelah polisi melaksanakan surat perintah di tempat-tempat penyimpanan.

Toronto Police Chief Myron Demkiw, center, speaks to media behind a wall of seized drugs during a press conference announcing the seizure of 835 kg., about 1,840 lbs. of cocaine, Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, in Toronto. (Cole Burston/The Canadian Press via AP)

Truk dan muatannya merupakan bagian dari operasi perdagangan narkoba transnasional yang lebih besar yang berasal dari Meksiko.

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