Potret Kerusakan di Wilayah Termiskin Prancis Akibat Siklon Chido

2 months ago 61

A boy sits near the ruins of homes, in the aftermath of Cyclone Chido, within Labattoir, in Mayotte, France, December 15, 2024. REUTERS/Chafion Madi

Seorang anak laki-laki duduk di dekat reruntuhan rumah akibat Siklon Chido di Labattoir, Mayotte, Prancis, Minggu (16/12/2024). (REUTERS/Chafion Madi)  

A boy sits near the ruins of homes, in the aftermath of Cyclone Chido, within Labattoir, in Mayotte, France, December 15, 2024. REUTERS/Chafion Madi

Sebanyak 11 orang meninggal imbas Siklon Chido yang menghantam wilayah Mayotte, Prancis, sejak Sabtu (14/12). (REUTERS/Chafion Madi)  

A boy sits near the ruins of homes, in the aftermath of Cyclone Chido, within Labattoir, in Mayotte, France, December 15, 2024. REUTERS/Chafion Madi

Kementerian Dalam Negeri Prancis mengonfirmasi jumlah korban tewas itu dan melaporkan 250 mengalami luka pada Minggu pagi. (REUTERS/Chafion Madi)  

Debris is seen in the aftermath of Cyclone Chido, in Mamoudzou, Mayotte, France, December 15, 2024, in this screen grab obtained from video. John Balloz/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.

Pejabat Mayotte Francois Xavier Bieauville mengatakan sulit menemukan jumlah pasti korban di tengah kerusakan yang signifikan imbas badai itu. Dia juga menduga korban akan terus bertambah. (John Balloz/via REUTERS)  

Debris is seen in the aftermath of Cyclone Chido, in Mamoudzou, Mayotte, France, December 15, 2024, in this screen grab obtained from video. John Balloz/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.

Bieauville mengatakan siklon kali ini merupakan terparah dalam 90 tahun. Badai tersebut merusak fasilitas sipil seperti bandara hingga meluluhlantakkan pemukiman penduduk. (John Balloz/via REUTERS)  

Locals stand on a street covered in debris after Cyclone Chido swept through Mayotte, France in this screengrab taken from a handout video obtained by Reuters on December 15, 2024. French Civil Security/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. MANDATORY CREDIT. WATERMARK FROM SOURCE.

Dia mengatakan kehancuran terburuk tampak di daerah kumuh berupa gubuk-gubuk logam dan bangunan informal yang menjadi ciri sebagian besar wilayah Mayotte. (REUTERS/French Civil Security)  

Locals stand on a street covered in debris after Cyclone Chido swept through Mayotte, France in this screengrab taken from a handout video obtained by Reuters on December 15, 2024. French Civil Security/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES. MANDATORY CREDIT. WATERMARK FROM SOURCE.

Mayotte merupakan pulau termiskin Prancis dan termiskin di Uni Eropa. Populasinya hanya sekitar 300.000 jiwa dan di dua pulau utama. (REUTERS/French Civil Security)  

Debris is seen in the aftermath of Cyclone Chido, in Mamoudzou, Mayotte, France, December 15, 2024, in this screen grab obtained from video. John Balloz/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.

Mayotte juga menjadi jalur Siklon Chido dan menanggung beban terberat. (John Balloz/via REUTERS)  

Debris is seen in the aftermath of Cyclone Chido, in Mamoudzou, Mayotte, France, December 15, 2024, in this screen grab obtained from video. John Balloz/via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.

Menurut badan cuaca di Prancis, siklon itu membawa angin dengan kecepatan lebih dari 220 km/jam (136 mph). (John Balloz/via REUTERS)  

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