Penampakan Puing Pesawat Azerbaijan Airlines yang Jatuh di Kazakhstan

2 months ago 73

The wreckage of Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer 190 lays on the ground near the airport of Aktau, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Azamat Sarsenbayev)

Dilansir AFP dan Reuters, Rabu (25/12/2024), Kementerian Transportasi Kazakhstan menginformasikan lewat Telegram sebuah pesawat milik Azerbaijan Airlines yang melakukan rute Baku-Grozny jatuh di dekat kota Aktau. (AP/Azamat Sarsenbayev)

The wreckage of Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer 190 lays on the ground near the airport of Aktau, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Azamat Sarsenbayev)

Pesawat seri Embraer 190 telah 'melakukan pendaratan darurat' sekitar tiga kilometer dari Aktau, pusat minyak dan gas di pantai timur Laut Kaspia. Kementerian transportasi Kazakhstan menyebut terdapat 62 penumpang dan lima awak di pesawat itu. (AP/Azamat Sarsenbayev)

In this photo taken from a video released by the administration of Mangystau region, the wreckage of Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer 190 lies on the ground near the airport of Aktau, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024. (The Administration of Mangystau Region via AP)

Kementerian kesehatan mencatat jumlah korban selamat dari kecelakaan pesawat tersebut sebanyak 25 orang. (The Administration of Mangystau Region via AP)

In this photo taken from a video released by the administration of Mangystau region, the wreckage of Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer 190 lies on the ground near the airport of Aktau, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024. (The Administration of Mangystau Region via AP)

Saat ini, 14 korban selamat telah dibawa ke rumah sakit daerah, termasuk lima orang dalam perawatan intensif. (The Administration of Mangystau Region via AP)

The wreckage of Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer 190 lays on the ground near the airport of Aktau, Kazakhstan, Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2024. (AP Photo/Azamat Sarsenbayev)

Sebelumnya sebuah rekaman video amatir memperlihatkan detik-detik pesawat Azerbaijan Airlines jatuh dan meledak di wilayah pesisir dekat Kota Aktau. (AP/Azamat Sarsenbayev)

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