1.000 Orang Tewas di Bandara Mezzeh Selama Assad Berkuasa

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REUTERS/Maggie Michael - detikNews

Minggu, 02 Mar 2025 08:03 WIB

Suriah - Lebih dari 1.000 warga Suriah tewas dalam tahanan di bandara militer Mezzeh, Damaskus selama rezim Bashar al-Assad berkuasa. ini potret penjara bandara tersebut

Abandoned tanks stand at a military airport in the suburb of Mezzeh where many Syrians died in detention, killed by execution, torture or maltreatment at the site that was widely feared, according to a report shared exclusively with Reuters by the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre tracing the deaths to seven suspected grave sites, on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, December 20, 2024. REUTERS/Maggie Michael

Masa pemerintahan Bashar al-Assad sebagai Presiden Rusia telah berakhir. Runtuhnya rezim Assad menyisakan sejumlah cerita pilu dari warga Suriah. Laporan dari Pusat Keadilan dan Akuntabilitas Suriah mengatakan lebih dari 1.000 warga Suriah tewas dalam tahanan yang terdapat di bandara militer di pinggiran Damaskus selama rezim Bashar al-Assad berkuasa.

Abandoned tanks stand at a military airport in the suburb of Mezzeh where many Syrians died in detention, killed by execution, torture or maltreatment at the site that was widely feared, according to a report shared exclusively with Reuters by the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre tracing the deaths to seven suspected grave sites, on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, December 20, 2024. REUTERS/Maggie Michael

Mereka dilaporkan tewas akibat eksekusi mati, penyiksaan, atau penganiayaan di dalam tahanan tersebut.

Abandoned tanks stand at a military airport in the suburb of Mezzeh where many Syrians died in detention, killed by execution, torture or maltreatment at the site that was widely feared, according to a report shared exclusively with Reuters by the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre tracing the deaths to seven suspected grave sites, on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, December 20, 2024. REUTERS/Maggie Michael

Dilansir Reuters, Jumat (28/2/2025), Pusat Keadilan dan Akuntabilitas Suriah mengidentifikasi lokasi kuburan massal dengan mengkombinasikan keterangan para saksi, citra satelit, dan dokumen-dokumen yang difoto di bandara militer di Mezzeh, pinggiran Damaskus, usai Assad lengser pada Desember 2024 lalu.

Abandoned tanks stand at a military airport in the suburb of Mezzeh where many Syrians died in detention, killed by execution, torture or maltreatment at the site that was widely feared, according to a report shared exclusively with Reuters by the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre tracing the deaths to seven suspected grave sites, on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, December 20, 2024. REUTERS/Maggie Michael

Menurut laporan yang dirilis pada Kamis (27/2) waktu setempat itu, terdapat sedikitnya tujuh lokasi yang diduga kuburan massal dari orang-orang yang tewas di dalam penjara bandara tersebut selama rezim Assad berkuasa. Beberapa lokasi yang diduga kuburan massal itu berada di dalam area bandara. Sejumlah kuburan massal lainnya berada di berbagai wilayah Damaskus.

Abandoned tanks stand at a military airport in the suburb of Mezzeh where many Syrians died in detention, killed by execution, torture or maltreatment at the site that was widely feared, according to a report shared exclusively with Reuters by the Syria Justice and Accountability Centre tracing the deaths to seven suspected grave sites, on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, December 20, 2024. REUTERS/Maggie Michael

Ratusan ribu warga Suriah diperkirakan terbunuh sejak tahun 2011, ketika rezim Assad menindak keras unjuk rasa yang meluas menjadi perang skala penuh. Baik Assad maupun mendiang ayahnya, Hafez, sejak lama dituduh melakukan pembunuhan di luar proses hukum, termasuk eksekusi mati massal di dalam sistem penjara di negara itu dan penggunaan senjata kimia terhadap rakyat Suriah.

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