Terjadi Lagi, Mobil Tabrak Kerumunan di Jerman

1 week ago 11

Police officers stand next to a damaged vehicle in the city center of Mannheim, Germany, Monday March 3, 2025, following an incident in which one person was killed and others injured when a car rammed into a crowd, German police said. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)

Petugas polisi berdiri di samping kendaraan yang rusak di pusat kota Mannheim, Jerman, Senin (3/3/2025). (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  

Police officers stand by during a major operation at the city center in Mannheim, Germany, after a driver driver drove into a group of people in a pedestrian street in Mannheim, killing one person and injuring others, Germany police said, on Monday March 3, 2025. (René Priebe/dpa via AP)

Sebuah mobil menabrak sekelompok orang di pusat kota Mannheim. Dua orang tewas dan beberapa lainnya mengalami luka serius. (René Priebe/dpa via AP)  

Emergency services and police stand at Paradeplatz in Mannheim, Germany, Monday March 3, 2025, after a driver driver drove into a group of people in a pedestrian street in Mannheim, killing one person and injuring others, Germany police said. (René Priebe/dpa via AP)(René Priebe/dpa via AP)

Menteri Dalam Negeri negara bagian Baden-Wuerttemberg, Thomas Strobl, dilansir AFP, Senin (3/3/2025), mengatakan tersangka yang ditangkap di tempat kejadian adalah seorang pria Jerman berusia 40 tahun dari negara bagian tetangga, Rhineland-Palatinate. Pengemudi disebut menerobos area pejalan kaki di sekitar pasar karnaval dengan puluhan kios makanan, wahana, dan permainan. (René Priebe/dpa via AP)  

Police officers stand next to a damaged vehicle in the city center of Mannheim, Germany, Monday March 3, 2025, following an incident in which one person was killed and others injured when a car rammed into a crowd, German police said. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)

Terkait dengan insiden tersebut, juru bicara polisi setempat, Stefan Wilhelm, mengatakan warga telah didesak untuk menghindari daerah dalam kota di tengah operasi polisi besar-besaran. Petugas dengan senjata berat menutup daerah itu dan helikopter polisi terlihat di udara. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  

Police officers stand next to a damaged vehicle in the city center of Mannheim, Germany, Monday March 3, 2025, following an incident in which one person was killed and others injured when a car rammed into a crowd, German police said. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)

Sebelumnya, terjadi insiden dua serangan tabrak mobil di kota-kota Jerman lainnya sejak Desember yang telah menewaskan delapan orang. Adapun Mannheim menjadi lokasi serangan penusukan pada unjuk rasa anti-Islam Mei lalu yang menewaskan seorang polisi dan melukai lima orang lainnya. (Boris Roessler/dpa via AP)  

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