Kenya Terima 17 Bungo Gunung Langka dari AS

4 hours ago 3

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Sekretaris Kabinet untuk Pariwisata dan Margasatwa Kenya Rebecca Miano dan pejabat Dinas Margasatwa Kenya (KWS) menerima 17 bongo gunung (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), subspesies kijang hutan yang terancam punah, dari Florida di AS, di Bandara internasional Jomo Kenyatta di Nairobi, Kenya, Minggu (23/2/2025).

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Kenya telah menerima 17 bongo gunung, jenis antelop yang sangat langka, dari pusat konservasi di Amerika Serikat.

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Antelop tersebut merupakan keturunan generasi ketiga dari bongo gunung yang diambil dari Kenya pada tahun 1960-an.

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Pengembalian hewan yang terancam punah tersebut, dari Rare Species Conservation Foundation di Florida, dipuji sebagai "langkah monumental" dalam upaya konservasi Kenya.

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Dari sekitar 500 ekor pada tahun 1970-an, kurang dari 100 ekor bongo gunung diperkirakan masih hidup di alam liar di Kenya, menurut Kenya Wildlife Service.

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

KWS mengatakan hal ini disebabkan oleh hilangnya habitat, perburuan liar, aktivitas ilegal, penyakit, dan populasi kecil yang terfragmentasi.

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Hewan-hewan itu dibawa ke tempat perlindungan satwa liar di daerah Meru dekat Gunung Kenya, tempat mereka akan dipelihara sebelum mereka secara bertahap diperkenalkan ke habitat alami mereka.

Kenya's Cabinet Secretary for Tourism and Wildlife Rebecca Miano and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) officials receive 17 mountain bongos (Tragelaphus eurycerus isaaci), a critically endangered subspecies of forest antelopes, from Florida in the U.S., at the Jomo Kenyatta international Airport in Nairobi, Kenya February 23, 2025. REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Bongo gunung terdaftar oleh International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) sebagai spesies yang Sangat Terancam Punah - dengan lebih banyak individu di penangkaran daripada di alam liar.

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