Miris, Anak-anak Jadi Korban Serangan Udara AS di Yaman

4 hours ago 3

Smoke rises from a location reportedly struck by U.S. airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman

Asap mengepul dari lokasi yang dilaporkan terkena serangan udara AS di Sanaa, Yaman, Sabtu (15/3/2025). (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman)

In this photo taken from video released by Ansar Allah Media Office via Al Masirah TV channel shows a girl being treated at a hospital in Saada, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025 following airstrikes over multiple targets in the country. The Houthi-run Health Ministry said the overnight strikes killed at least 31 people, including women and children, and wounded over 100 in the capital of Sanaa and the northern province of Saada, the rebels' stronghold on the border with Saudi Arabia.( Al Masirah TV via AP)

Jet tempur Amerika Serikat (AS) melancarkan serangkaian serangan udara di Yaman, menewaskan sedikitnya 53 orang, termasuk anak-anak dan wanita, serta melukai ratusan orang lainnya. (Al Masirah TV via AP)

Smoke rises from a location reportedly struck by U.S. airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman

Dikutip dari Reuters, Senin (17/3/20225), serangan udara tersebut, yang menurut Kementerian Kesehatan yang dipimpin Houthi menewaskan sedikitnya 53 orang, merupakan operasi militer AS terbesar di Timur Tengah sejak Presiden Donald Trump menjabat pada bulan Januari. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman)

In this photo taken from video released by Ansar Allah Media Office via Al Masirah TV channel shows a girl being treated at a hospital in Saada, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025 following airstrikes over multiple targets in the country. The Houthi-run Health Ministry said the overnight strikes killed at least 31 people, including women and children, and wounded over 100 in the capital of Sanaa and the northern province of Saada, the rebels' stronghold on the border with Saudi Arabia.( Al Masirah TV via AP)

Sebagian besar korban yang tewas adalah anak-anak dan wanita, menurut juru bicara kementerian, Anis al-Asbahi. (Al Masirah TV via AP)

In this photo taken from video released by Ansar Allah Media Office via Al Masirah TV channel shows a girl being treated at a hospital in Saada, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025 following airstrikes over multiple targets in the country. The Houthi-run Health Ministry said the overnight strikes killed at least 31 people, including women and children, and wounded over 100 in the capital of Sanaa and the northern province of Saada, the rebels' stronghold on the border with Saudi Arabia.( Al Masirah TV via AP)

Seorang pejabat AS mengatakan kepada Reuters bahwa operasi tersebut mungkin akan terus berlanjut selama berminggu-minggu. (Al Masirah TV via AP)

Smoke rises from a location reportedly struck by U.S. airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman

Pemimpin Houthi Abdul Malik al-Houthi mengatakan pada hari Minggu bahwa militannya akan menargetkan kapal-kapal AS di Laut Merah selama AS melanjutkan serangannya terhadap Yaman. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman)

Smoke rises from a location reportedly struck by U.S. airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman

Sebelumnya, Trump mengancam kelompok Houthi setelah mereka mengancam akan melanjutkan serangan terhadap kapal yang berlayar di Laut Merah sebagai respons terhadap blokade Israel terhadap Gaza. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman)

Smoke rises from a location reportedly struck by U.S. airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen, Saturday, March 15, 2025. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman

Trump berjanji untuk menggunakan "kekuatan mematikan yang luar biasa" terhadap Houthi jika serangan tidak dihentikan. Dia memerintahkan militer AS untuk melancarkan operasi militer besar-besaran terhadap kelompok tersebut. (AP Photo/Osamah Abdulrahman)

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